Swedish Partners:

David Gustafsson
Senior researcher at Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI)
- Key expertise: Hydrological modelling in cold-region environments, data assimilation, satellite remote sensing
- Role in HYPE-ERAS: Consortium leader and contributing to most aspects of the project, with focus on new flood hazard knowledge, roads on thinner ice, and hydrological modelling and forecasting
- Contact: david.gustafsson[at]smhi.se

Claudia Canedo
Postdoctoral researcher at SMHI
- Key expertise: Precipitation variability and its relation with climate anomalies, hydrological processes and drought
- Role in HYPE-ERAS: Researcher in charge of implementation of a workflow for obtaining discharge data using satellite altimetry, simulated discharge, and in-situ discharge for hydrological modelling and forecast purposesse

Jafet Andersson
Senior researcher at SMHI
- Key expertise: Hydrological research on water availability, climate change impacts, hydrological forecasting, precipitation and agricultural water management, capacity development
- Role in HYPE-ERAS: Contribute to developing hydrological forecast models (WP3), to training and support on using the forecasting system, and dissemination (WP4)

Kristina Isberg
Research Engineer at SMHI
- Key expertise: GIS (QGIS, ARCGIS, WHIST (inhouse software), setting up HYPE models
- Role in HYPE-ERAS: GIS data preparation (river flowlines and data for visualization)

Andrea Popp
Project manager and researcher at SMHI
- Key expertise: Traicer-aided water source partitioning, cold-region hydrology
- Role in HYPE-ERAS: Project manager

Katharina Klehmet
Researcher at SMHI
- Key expertise: Hydrometeorological extremes, climate Change in Siberia, climate services, regional climate and ocean modelling, analysis and evaluation of model output
- Role in HYPE-ERAS:

Tobias Lagander
System & software developer at SMHI
- Key expertise: Develop systems to provide operational services
- Role in HYPE-ERAS: Forecast production systems (WP3)
Japanese Partners:

Tetsuya Hiyama
Professor at Nagoya University
- Key expertise: Hydroclimatological analysis in cold-region environments
- Role in HYPE-ERAS: Co-PI, contributor to WP1, WP3 and WP4
- Contact: hiyama[at]nagoya-u.jp

Naoyuki Kurita
Associate Professor at Nagoya University
- Key expertise: Analysis and modeling of hydrological changes over Siberia using water isotope data
- Role in HYPE-ERAS: Contributor to WP3
- Contact: nkurita[at]nagoya-u.jp

Yuichiro Fujioka
Associate professor at Kyushu University
- Key expertise: Surveys
- Role in HYPE-ERAS: Contributor to WP2 and WP4
- Contact: fujioka[at]scs.kyushu-u.ac.jp

Hotaek Park
Senior scientist at Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
- Key expertise: Hydrological modelling in cold-region environments
- Role in HYPE-ERAS: Contributor to WP3
- Contact: park[at]jamstec.go.jp

Hiroki Takakura
Professor at Tohoku University
- Key expertise: Indigenous knowledge, ethnography
- Role in HYPE-ERAS: Contributor to WP2
- Contact: hiroki.takakura.a8[at]tohoku.ac.jp
Russian and Yakutian Partners:

Sardana Boyakova
Head of Department of the History and Arctic Study, Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North of Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Science (IHRISN SB RAS)
- Key expertise: Water use, water resources management and risks associated with climate change issues
- Role in HYPE-ERAS: Coordinator of WP2, contributor to WP4
- Contact: boyakova[at]igi.ysn.ru

Viktoriya Filippova
Senior Researcher at Department of the History and Arctic Study, Institute for Humanities Research and Indigenous Studies of the North of Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Science (IHRISN SB RAS)
- Key expertise: Reconstruction of typological models of economic activity of water resources by Indigenous peoples
- Role in HYPE-ERAS: Contributor to WP2
- Contact: filippovav[at]mail.ru

Liudmila Lebedeva
Senior scientist at Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Yakutsk
- Key expertise: Permafrost and cold region hydrology, hydrological modelling, hydrological processes in non-stationary environment
- Role in HYPE-ERAS: Co-PI, contributor to WP2, WP3 and WP4
Contact: lyudmilaslebedeva@gmail.com

Alexander Fedorov
Deputy Director for Science at Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Yakutsk
- Key expertise: Permafrost degradation, permafrost landscape under climate change, thermokarst processes
- Role in HYPE-ERAS: Contributor to WP2 and WP3
- Contact: anfedorov[at]mpi.ysn.ru

Ivan Khristoforov
Senior scientist at Melnikov Permafrost Institute, Yakutsk
- Key expertise: Ground penetrating radar, geophysics
- Role in HYPE-ERAS: Contributor to WP3